Rotary Club Of Waikiki - International Food Festival 2014 - 9th Annual Fundraiser
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Rotary Club Of Waikiki - International Food Festival 2014 - 9th Annual Fundraiser

International Food Fest 2014 -- 9th Annual fundraiser
Click here to download flyer & donation form.
Tentative program
5:30 pm: Doors open
5:30 -- 6:00 pm: District Governor Band performance
5:30 -- 9:00 pm: Silent auction
6:00 pm: Welcome Rotarians, Hawaiian blessing, President's message, VIP introductions / visiting Rotarians
6:30 -- 8:00 pm: Buffet dinner stations open (Music, raffle drawings, announcements throughout the evening)
8:30 pm: Silent auction closes
8:45 pm: Cashier stations open
9:30 pm: Last call for bar service
Request for donations for our silent auction and raffle
On behalf of the Board of Directors and members of the Rotary Club of Waikiki, we are asking you to join us in the good work of Rotary by donating an item/s for our silent auction and raffle.
The silent auction and raffle are the two most important sources of income generated at this event and we are requesting your consideration for a donation of a gift item or gift certificate for this worthy cause. We humbly ask for your assistance and need your help to improve the lives of needy children, youth, families and seniors in our community and around the world. You can mail a certificate or a letter indicating what your gift is, or a member of Rotary will personally pick up your donation/gift.
Your gift will be gratefully acknowledged at our Rotary Club's weekly meetings, in our clubs weekly newsletter, "The Surf", in our printed program, in our FoodFest press releases, our social media posts and prominently displayed in our silent and live auctions and raffle on the evening of our event.
Fundraising proceeds
All proceeds are used to support community and international service projects, the Rotary Foundation and many local organizations. Here are just a few of the many organizations and projects that have received our help and directly benefit from this fundraiser:
- Kapiolani Community College
- Local Elementary, Middle and High Schools Schools
- Scholarships for High School Seniors and College Vocational Scholarships
- Waikiki Elementary School
- Aloha Medical Mission
- Waikiki Beach Clean Up
- Rotary Youth Leadership
- Homeless Solutions
- Senior Citizen Housing
- La Pietra Rotary Interact Club
- Waikiki Health Center
- St. Louis School Interact Club
- Waikiki Community Center
- Water Filtration System for Schools in Lebanon
- International Student Exchange & Internship Programs with Japan and Egypt
- Sponsorship of Group Exchange Programs in Thailand and Philippines.
We sincerely appreciate your support of this worthwhile event and look forward to your positive response.
With Aloha,
Chad Adams , President 2014-15
Dave Livingston, Fundraising Chair 2014-15
Our mission
Encourage and foster the ideal of service, as worthy enterprise, through the four objectives of Rotary.
How to join the Rotary Club of Waikiki
Rotary Club membership is by invitation only. If you would like to be considered for membership by the Rotary Club of Waikiki, please download and complete our Membership Proposal Form, mail it to us, and we will contact you on receipt of your application. Learn more...

The four objects of Rotary
- 1st The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service
- 2nd High Ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to serve society
- 3rd The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life
- 4th The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service

The Four-Way Test
From the earliest days of the organization, Rotarians were concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives. One of the world's most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The Four-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI President) when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy.
This 24-word test for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy.
Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The Four-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways.
It asks the following 4 questions "of the things we think, say or do":
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"
Celebrating our 75th anniversary in 2013
by PP Mark Moore
Courtesy: of
Waikiki Rotary Members Circa 1966 L-R Bill Wong, Ed Doty, Gil Moss, Ron Deisseroth, Kenji Okada, and Phil Norris. Bill Wong became President of the Ala Moana Club and District Governor, Ed Doty was President 1986-87, Ron Deisseroth President 1962-63, and District Governor Phil Norris was then President 1965-66
The Rotary Club of Waikiki was organized on May 15, 1939, by a committee of the following members of the Rotary Club of Honolulu in Hawaii:
- Chairman, Wes Wilkie
- Clifford Kimball
- Leslie Hicks
- Charlie Frazier
District Governor Wayne Stewart presided at the Charter dinner at the Waialae Country Club and installed Waikiki Rotary charter officers: Frank Van Cleve, Charter President; Mell Small, Secretary; P. D. Bull, Treasurer; Fred Fanger, Sergeant-at-Arms. The Board members were: Alfred Gfroerer, Henry Inn, Murle Ogden, William L. Sullivan, and Sam Van Culin. Other Charter members included: Chris Benny, Ernie O. Fickendy, Harry G. Good, Robert Hind, Roy C. Kelley, Paul M. Mead, Paul F. Summers, D. A. Sutherland, Ted R. Waters, Dr. William H. Wynn, George V. Minck, C. F. Camron, George W. Brooks and Karel H. Sheecha.
Waikiki Rotary's first meeting was held at the Green Lantern Restaurant on Kalakaua Avenue, later known as the Wagon Wheel. From there, in the late 1940s, the club moved its luncheon meetings to the South Seas Restaurant at the corner of McCully and Kalakaua, then to the new Reef Hotel in the early 1950s, and to the Ala Moana Hotel for a short period before moving to the Hawaiian Regent Hotel. The next move was made in the early 1980s to the Prince Kuhio Hotel on Kuhio Avenue where Waikiki Rotary remained until 2003 when the move was made to the present Waikiki Rotary home in the Pacific Beach Hotel.
The Rotary Club of Waikiki first met on Mondays at noon, but later changed to a more convenient day, Wednesday. It was the custom in Hawaii up to the 1950 s for business and financial institutions to close at noon on Wednesdays and open for business a half day on Saturday. This made it convenient for Waikiki Rotarians to proceed to the golf course after the meeting or to socialize in the lounge.
The Rotary Club of Waikiki has provided 9 District Governors for the Hawaii Rotary District. PDG Roy King is a current Waikiki Rotary member.
When Waikiki Rotary was chartered in 1939, it was in Hawaii Rotary District 100. In 1950 District 100 was re-designated as District 150 and changed to District 500 in 1957. In 1991, Hawaii Rotary was re-designated as District 5000. Today, Waikiki Rotary is the sixth oldest Rotary Club of 48 clubs in District 5000. For many years Waikiki maintained a membership of around 125 to 135, but in recent years has been under 100 members.
Waikiki Rotary has established Sister Club relationships with nearly 13 Rotary Clubs, starting with the Rotary Club of Tokyo-Asakusa in 1972, in 4 different countries (Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and the Philippines), and still maintains a relationship with several of them with some club-to-club events happening each year, and personal visitations and friendships continuing with others.
Waikiki Rotarians refer to their club as "The Friendly Club". Many other Rotarians call Waikiki Rotary "The Friendliest Club in Hawaii". Waikiki is a favorite Rotary makeup for Hawaii Rotarians and traveling Rotarians from all over the world. Our standard of live music at our meetings being played before and selectively during the meetings, and our club song "Welcome to Rotary and to Waikiki" enhance the club ambiance for the friendly atmosphere. Our club music and our club song are unique to Waikiki Rotary.
Waikiki Rotary attained distinction as a 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club in 2001-2002. The club has earned many district and international awards that are shown on our club display banner which is set up at each club meeting, including RI President awards for club achievements, Rotary Foundation contribution awards, and several first place awards in the various avenues of service.
Waikiki Rotary has made substantial contributions to worthwhile causes in Hawaii and worldwide, and continues to be active in all avenues of service.
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Questions? Ready for an appointment?
Date: October 18, 2014 Time: 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm Location: *** LOCATION CHANGE *** NEW LOCATION Pacific Beach Hotel, 3rd floor 3rd floor, 2490 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu HI 96815 OLD LOCATION Culinary Institute of the Pacific at University of Hawai'i Kapi'olani Community College 4303 Diamond Head Road, Ohia Bldg (Cafeteria) Honolulu, HI 96816 COST: $100.00

Chad Adams
President 2014-2015
A Message from President Chad
We are known in our District 5000 Hawaii as the "Friendly Club". We welcome you to visit us every Wednesday at noon at the Pacific Beach Hotel in Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii.
The Rotary Club of Waikiki is an active, community-involved service organization that carries out humanitarian projects, locally and internationally with financial assistance and through active member involvement, concentrating on youth and those in need.
We take pride in having a diverse, talented, skilled and caring membership with high ethical standards. Our weekly meetings feature outstanding speakers who are both educational and inspirational, and our meetings and socials are intended to develop strong friendships and perpetuate the true meaning of the Family of Rotary.
As Rotarians, we bring our talents, skills and most importantly, the desire to serve others. Our Rotary International theme this year is "Light Up Rotary". We believe with this year's theme we can all join together and spread the good work that Rotary does around the world. We can make a difference in our communities and the world. In 2014-15, as we strengthen our clubs and "Light Up Rotary" in more than 34,000 communities, our commitment and our service will light up the world. As Rotarians we recognize that our world can be a better place.
The Rotary Club of Waikiki will continue to work on meaningful service projects. Highlighting "Service above Self" in a multitude of projects in our Community and Internationally. We will continue to promote literacy by donating dictionaries to third graders and providing new books to students in public schools and to those that are in need. We will provide scholarships to high school seniors and culinary college students. We will celebrate heroes in our community and tutor children in reading and music. We will support Rotary International's effort to End Polio in the world and assist in disaster relief efforts. We support our club's future with the mentoring of new members, development of future leaders and the cultivation of networking opportunities.
Yours in Rotary Service
Chad Adams
President 2014-2015
Rotary Club of Waikiki - Hawaii Club 30
The club Charter was issued by Rotary International dated June 20, 1939, as Club #5075. Waikiki Rotary was founded as the 2nd Rotary Club in Honolulu, the 3rd on Oahu and the 6th in the Territory of Hawaii. Our mission is to Encourage and foster the ideal of service, as worthy enterprise, through the four objectives of Rotary. More...
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