HERE ARE OUR UPDATES SINCE OUR LAST NEWSLETTER! We have great news to keep you current and help stay current with all that Waikiki has to offer.
Click on image to the right to view and buy art by renowned Hawaiian artist, Patrick Ching.
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Aloha, Ernest Abrams 808-739-9797 https://www.waikikigetdown.com Help WaikikiGetDown.com grow...support our sponsors... make a donation.
FEATURES AND HIGHLIGHTS (Back to the top) - Our top picks and opportunities for the month. |
Waikiki Beach Activities at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort Now Open with COVID-19 Safety Measures

BOOK NOW! Book your activity, tour and lessons today! Reservations are secured on a first come, first serve basis. Get your request today. More...
Waikiki Aquarium - CLOSURE UPDATE (MAY 2021 - see notes)
 Following the City & County's most recent "Act Now Honolulu" order, the Waikiki Aquarium will be closed beginning August 20, 2020 until further notice. The Aquarium will continue to offer virtual experiences on our website and through social media. Check-in regularly for updates on our classes and activities. More...
Honolulu Zoo Calendar MAY 2021 Events And Programs (MAY 2021)
 View all the great events and programs the Honolulu Zoo has to offer. More...
Affordable Low Cost Dental Care Coverage for For People With No Dental Insurance

No dental Insurance? No Problem! Low-Cost Dental Coverage. Our Affordable Dental Coverage Includes the Following Services at No Charge:- Comprehensive Exam (two times per plan year)
- Fluoride Treatment for Children (under the age of 18, two times per plan year)
- X-Rays with Cleaning (one time per plan year)
- Cleaning (Prophylaxis) (two times per plan year)
- Emergency Exam (two times per plan year)
More... |
93rd Annual Lei Day Celebration (5/1/2021 - See notes)
 Nā Lei Koa, Warrior Lei, theme continues to honor our frontline workers for 2021 Lei Day. More...
Waikiki Health - COVID-19 TESTING Now Available

Waikiki Health is offering COVID-19 testing for current and new patients who are symptomatic per the following CDC guidelines. More...
Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts - Take an Online Tour of the Hawaii State Art Museum

Take a tour and learn more about the Hawaii State Art Museum!. The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaiii. More...
Summer Fun Registration Changing Following Technical Issues Last Weekend - Following technical issues with online registration for Summer Fun Programs last Saturday, the Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is modifying the upcoming registration schedule to avoid future problems. More...
Mayor Blangiardi Appoints Colleen Hanabusa To Hart Board - Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced today he is appointing Colleen Hanabusa to the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) board after current board member Glenn Nohara stated his intention to not seek reappointment. More...
Community Meetings Set For Oahu Storm Water Ma Ster Plan - The City and County of Honolulu (City) will hold a series of meetings to solicit community feedback on crafting a comprehensive Storm Water Master Plan that aims to guide management, programs and investments over the next 50+ years. More...
Honu Begins Operation In Whitmore Village - The City's HONU (Homeless Outreach and Navigation for Unsheltered Persons) program began operation of a second facility in Whitmore Village, Wahiaw on Monday, May 10, 2021. HONU, also operational out of Ke'ehi Lagoon, provides temporary shelter and triage services while navigating people on Oahu experiencing homelessness to shelter. More...
Real Property Tax Second Installment 2020-2021 Final Monthly Payment Option Due May 21, 2021 - Payments for the City and County of Honolulu's second installment of real property taxes for the 2020 - 2021 tax year were payable by February 22, 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, for this installment, the Department of Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS) provided taxpayers with the option to pay the full amount due in four (4) equal monthly payments. BFS reminds property owners the final monthly payment option is due May 21, 2021. More...

Hawaii Gold Jewelry .com Sale has been has been launched . Take advantage of the great opportunity. Hawaiian Gold Jewelry..made in Hawaii. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and free Shipping.! More...
Stand-By Service Launched At All Nine Satellite City Halls - The stand-by option is offered to customers who are struggling to get satellite city hall appointments for services that require in-person visits. More...
Spectators Allowed At Permitted Outdoor Sporting Events - Mayor Rick Blangiardi is thrilled to announce that spectators are officially allowed to watch permitted outdoor sporting events, effective immediately. Mayor Blangiardi submitted the request to the State to allow spectators back on the sidelines on Friday, May 14, 2021. Governor David Ige approved the request today. More...
City Paramedics, Emts Honored For Saving Lives During National Ems Week - Today, on the steps of Honolulu Hale, Mayor Rick Blangiardi proclaimed May 16th-22nd, as National Emergency Medical Services Week. Mayor Blangiardi recognized the city's Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) for their life-saving work, their sacrifices to their own safety and health and their commitment to making our island safer. More...
Newly Acquired Beach Right Of Way Open To The Public In Portlock - Following a court ruling in favor of the City and County of Honolulu, a new Beach Right of Way (BROW) is now open to the public in Portlock. More...
News Release - Noaa Central Pacific Hurricane Center Predicts Near Or Below Normal Hurricane Season For The State Of H Awai'i - In their annual joint press conference earlier today the NOAA Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) announced that there is an 80% chance of near or below normal tropical cyclone activity during the Central Pacific hurricane season this year which begins on Tuesday, June 1 and runs through Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021. More...
Memorial Day Holiday Schedule - City and County of Honolulu offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day. More...
Hawaii State Foundation On Culture And The Arts - American Rescue Plan Grants For Hawaii Arts And Culture Nonprofit Organizations Open June 1, 2021

The SFCA American Rescue Plan (ARP) Recovery Grant supporting eligible non-profit arts organizations will launch the Intent to Apply from June 1, 2021 through July 18, 2021. More...
Outdoor Mask Mandate To Be Removed; Tournaments, Surf Competitions And Regattas To Be Allowed - Governor David Ige and Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced they are lifting major COVID-19 restrictions. More...
Volunteers From Eckankar Hawai'i To Pick-Up Lit Ter At M 'ili'ili Triangle Park - Members of Eckankar Hawai'i, in coordination with the City's Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM), are scheduled to clean M 'ili'ili Triangle Park on Friday, May 28, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. More...
City To Suspend Mail-In Option For Seniors Renewing A Driver's License - Renewing a driver's license by mail will soon no longer be an option for motorists age 72 and over in the City and County of Honolulu. More...
Reopening Of City Park Campsites Continues To Allow More Public Opportunities - The Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is pleased to announce that nearly two dozen campsites will be reopened for recreational camping as of this Memorial Day Weekend. More...

Hawaii Gold Jewelry .com Sale has been has been launched . Take advantage of the great opportunity. Hawaiian Gold Jewelry..made in Hawaii. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and free Shipping.! More...
Kapiʻolani Community College - Free Computer Training in Digital Readiness - FREE 3 HOURS HAND ON CLASS!

Are you ready to embrace the Digital Age? Join us for this FREE 3-hour hands-on class for adults with little or no computer experience. Must be at least 18 years old. Learn how to:
- Get started on a computer
- Connect to the Internet
- Setup an email account
After completion, participants will receive additional free online training resources! More...
Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting APRIL 2021 Agenda (5/11/2021 - 6:00 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M.)
 Come learn about what's going on in the Waikiki community. More...
HawaiiGoldJewelry.com - Custom Hawaiian Gold Bracelet Testimonial From Carise C. - Timnath, Colorado

4/11/2021 - Ernest Is amazing. Thanks to him and Hawaii Gold Jewelry I have a chance to fulfill my desire to replace the jewelry that I lost 20 years ago when my husband left and I had to sell it to survive. I wanted to get my watch and necklace back and, overall, I wanted to get my custom bangle gold bracelet (48mm Size 8 1.2 thick) back. Thanks to Ernest, they were able to craft the most magnificent bangle bracelet which is so beautiful that I was astounded by it! I highly recommend this vendor for the care, fortitude, and understanding as well as the craftsmanship and attention to detail of the jewelry. Thanks! Thanks again for my beautiful ring.

Department of Parks and Recreation Summer Program 2021

Summer Fun is returning to your City parks this year, with the popular and engaging program being offered to Oahu families for free once again! The 2021 Summer Fun Program will be offered on weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Monday, June 7 through Tuesday, July 27, 2021. More...
Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts MAY 2021 Newsletter

The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawai'i. More...
Waikiki Surf Lessons Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort Video

Looking for the best surfing experience while on the islands? Look no further. Our surf instructors are simply the best. They have been surfing the waters of Hawaii and teaching surfing for many years. They are committed to your safety, customer service, and in delivering an experience you'll remember for a long time. You will be catching your first set of waves with them in the same spot where Hawaiian royalties and the legendary Duke Kahanamoku surfed. More...
11 New Midas Hawaii Auto Repair & Service Testimonials

We think we do a great job but don't take our word for it. Many of our customers are glad to share their experience with us. "Consistent Quality Service" is what you can expect!" More...
Mark N. Brown Art Featured In Patrick Ching Painting in Paradise TV Show (OC16)

Mark N. Brown Art Featured In Patrick Ching Painting in Paradise (OC16) The outdoor painting class that was held at my Waimānalo studio will finally be shown starting tomorrow, Wednesday April 28, 2021. More...
Waikiki Neighborhood Board Meeting April 2021 Minutes

Come learn about what's going on in the community! More...
Mayor Blangiardi Signs Bill To Increase Affordable Rent Al Housing Units On Oahu - In a significant move forward, Mayor Rick Blangiardi signed Bill 1 (2021), CD1, FD1, into law, which will incentivize the development of an estimated 1,100 new affordable rental housing units for working families across the island. More...
Oahu To Continue In Tier 3 Four More Weeks - The Blangiardi administration met with Governor Ige and his public health experts this morning regarding Mayor Blangiardi's written request from May 4, 2021 to modify the metrics for the Tier system. After a discussion that included a review of vaccination numbers and percentages, daily COVID-19 counts and positivity rates on Oahu, and state Department of Health concerns regarding COVID-19 variants, Mayor Blangiardi and Governor Ige agreed that the City and County of Honolulu would remain in Tier 3 for another four weeks while the county and the state work together on incorporating vaccination counts on Oahu into modified metrics for the Tier system. More...
Shared Pathway Improvement Project Beginning Near Honolulu Zoo - A Capital Improvement Project to reconstruct the shared-use pathway along the mauka side of the Honolulu Zoo is scheduled to begin. More...
SBA Offers Disaster Assistance to Oahu Businesses and Residents Affected by the March 2021 Severe Storms - The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced yesterday that low-interest federal disaster loans will be available to assist Oahu businesses and residents affected by severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides that occurred March 8-18, 2021. More...
Babcock And Szewczyk To Lead The City's Department Of Facility Maintenance - Mayor Rick Blangiardi is pleased to announce Roger Babcock, Jr. Ph.D. P.E. and Dawn Szewczyk, P.E. have been selected to lead the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM). More...
Congratulations To The Winners Of This Year's Mayor's Memorial Day Poster Contest! - The City and County of Honolulu and the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is proud to announce the winners of this year's Mayor's Memorial Day Poster Contest! More...
City's Rental And Utility Relief Program Temporarily Closed To Process Applications
Due to a tremendous response from the community, the City and County of Honolulu's Rental and Utility Relief Program is temporarily closed to new applications to process 4,000 applications in this round. The portal will reopen on Monday June 7, 2021. More...
MAY 2021 FIRE SAFETY TIP - How To Prepare and Prevent a Home Fire

Below are a few handy tips to help you prevent home fires and keep your family safe. More...
Midas Hawaii - Exclusive SUMMER SALE Oil Change Online Specials Auto-Repair & Service

Buy online in advance and save BIG from Midas Hawaii. Oil changes, tire rotations, system flushes, safely checks, gift certificates and much more... More...
Storm Water Quality Division Announces Storm Water Hero Category Finalists For 18th Annual Youth Xchange Video Contest - The Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) Storm Water Quality (SWQ) Division announced its Storm Water Hero category winners for the 18th Annual ' lelo Youth Xchange Video Contest (YXC) this week with a special awards show on ' lelo channel 53. More...
City's Rental And Utility Relief Program To Reopen May 3, 2021 - The City and County of Honolulu is reopening the Rental and Utility Relief Program portal for a second round of 4,000 applications on Monday, May 3, 2021, at 2 p.m. Applications will be accepted at oneoahu.org/renthelp . More...
Shared Streets Pilot Project Coming To McCully May 1, 2021 - Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to view as a webpage . More...
Update: Waialua Beach Road Bridge 605 Bridge Preliminary Designs Completed, Repair Process Expedited For Faster Reopening - Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to view as a webpage . More...
Real Id Enforcement Deadline Extended To May 2023 - Oahu residents now have an additional 19 months to get the REAL ID-compliant driver's licenses and state identification cards before they will need it to board domestic flights and enter some federal buildings. More...
K lia Mobility Plaza Transportation Hub at Ala Moana Virtual Meeting Scheduled For April 29 - The City and County of Honolulu's Department of Transportation Services is evaluating alternatives for a transit center and mobility hub to improve transportation connections between TheBus, Handi-Van, biking, walking, and the future rail station at Ala Moana. More...
Traffic Advisory: Rehabilitation Of Localized Streets In Kalihi - The public is advised that there will be roadwork on various streets in the Kalihi area. The project on Pu'uhale Road, Kopke Street, Gulick Avenue, Bannister Street and Place, Waterhouse Street, Stanley Street, and Wilcox Lane started this week and expected to be completed in September 2021. More...

Now open 7 Days a Week, 6am - 8pm for your emergency dental care, teeth cleanings and general dental services. Please know that we have further heightened our already extremely rigid sterilization procedures to keep our patients safe. Our number one priority preventing the spread of COVID-19 in our community. More...
Emergency Repairs Beginning For Kailua Beach Park Boat Ramp - A project to repair the hazardous conditions at the Kailua Beach Park Boat Ramp is scheduled to begin Monday, April 26, 2021. The project is anticipated to be finished in approximately two weeks. This timeline is dependent on weather and ocean conditions. More...
Online Reservation System Launching For Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve - As part of the continuing effort to improve the visitor experience and advance management of the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, an online reservation system will begin public operation starting Monday, April 26, to help facilitate public entry into the nature preserve. More...
City And County Of Honolulu Named Tree City USA For 40th Year - The City and County of Honolulu is proud to announce the Arbor Day Foundation has awarded the City with the 2020 Tree City USA designation, recognizing our commitment to urban forest management. More...
Voting For 2021 Neighborhood Boards Begin On Monday, April 26, 2021 - The Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) announced today that voting in the 2021 Neighborhood Board election is set to begin on Monday, April 26. Almost all voting will be done online and passcodes will be mailed out to nearly 300,000 eligible voters. The voting period is from April 26 to May 21, 2021. More...
City Releases Annual Sustainability Report And First Ever Climate Action Plan For Oahu - Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced today, on Earth Day, the release of the City and County of Honolulu's2021 Annual Sustainability Report, as well as the City's first-ever climate action plan entitled One Climate: One Oahu. The climate action plan represents a science-based, community driven strategy for Oahu to uphold the City's commitment to the Paris climate agreement and reduce carbon emissions in line with long-term goals beyond net-zero by 2045. More...
City Expands Free Covid-19 Testing To Hotel Industry Workers - Today, the City and County of Honolulu through an agreement with the National Kidney Foundation of Hawai'i Consortium has expanded free COVID-19 testing to Oahu hotel industry workers. Those eligible can take advantage of test kits being made available at the City's Mobile Lab at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport and at the Hawaiian Monarch Hotel in Waik k . More...
Waialua Beach Road Bridge 605 To Remain Closed Indefinitely For Repairs - Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to view as a webpage . More...
Ala Wai Boulevard Complete Streets Virtual Meeting Scheduled For April 14 - The City and County of Honolulu's Department of Transportation Services is kicking off the Ala Wai Boulevard Complete Streets project with an online community meeting on Wednesday April 14, 2021 from 6 to 8 p.m. Complete Streets is the City's policy to design streets for all roadways users, regardless of their age or ability. More...
Expiring Driver's Licenses, State Ids And Permits Get 60-Dayextension - Oahu residents with driver's licenses, learner's permits and state identification cards that have expired since the middle of March 2020 now have an additional 60 days to renew them. More...
Oahu Businesses And Activities To Continue Operations In Tier 3 - Mayor Rick Blangiardi and Governor David Ige have come to an agreement that the City and County of Honolulu will continue to operate in Tier 3 of the reopening strategy for the next four weeks, meaning Oahu businesses and activities will continue operations without reverting back to the Tier 2 framework at the present time. More...
Perpetuation Of Voyaging Knowledge Continues Through Virtual Wa'a Fest - Perpetuating the ocean voyaging culture of Native Hawaiians, and all of our islands' inhabitants, is the focus of a Virtual Wa'a Fest launched today as part of the 11th Annual Kualoa/Hakipu'u Canoe Festival. More...
Partnership Places 75 Security Cameras Across Four City Park Locations - A partnership between the City and County of Honolulu and the Hawai'i Tourism Authority (HTA) aims to enhance security across four City park locations through a joint effort to install 75 security cameras. More...
Midas Hawaii Car Care Club

Become a Midas Hawaii Member
Midas Hawaii Car Care Club program is our exclusive membership program. This program is a great way for customers to save money, get free services, get priority support, special offers, a membership card and more..
- Free maintenance services* for 1 year
Sell Your Car FAST! - Honolulu, Hawaii, 96819 (Off Nimitz Highway)

No nonsense, smooth easy transaction.
- Send us your car's details.
- We'll email and/or call you with our offer.
- If you accept, we'll come to you or you bring your car to our office or we can come to you to conclude the deal.
Used Cars For Sale with Photos In Oahu Honolulu, Hawaii by I Buy Cars Today .com

Used cars for sale on the island of Oahu, Honolulu, Hawaii. Our customers can count on quality used cars, great prices, and a knowledgeable sales staff. WHY BUY FROM US? 1) 3 Day Return/Exchange Policy 2) 90-day Mechanical Repair Guarantee 3) Haggle Free Buying. More...
FREE Home Fire Safety Assessment and 167 Piece Emergency Preparedness Kit From Hero Fire Protection

Learn how to protect from a fire disaster! This program is FREE for your entire family and could mean the difference in saving your loved ones in the event of a fire emergency. HERO Fire Protection will also provide you with a FREE Emergency Preparedness Kit ($60 value) More...
R & C Roofing Contractors Roof Discount Coupon Deal Sales Offers - Oahu - Honolulu, Hawaii - (Lic. #C 33642)

NEED A NEW ROOF? We have great roof purchase online special offers. CURRENT OFFER(S) Click Here to get details. More...
Best Waikiki Sail, Boat & Snorkeling Tours at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort

You will love this catamaran cruises in Waikiki. From breakfast sails to moonlight evening sails. Snorkeling, swimming and so much more. Make your online reservation today! More...
Best Surf Lessons In Waikiki at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort

Learn to surf where Hawaiian royalty and legendary watermen like Duke Kahanamoku surfed. Our professional instructors will get you up and riding on your very first lesson! Our instructors are state licensed and certified in first aid and CPR. More...
CALENDAR - View some of the best activities and events in the Waikiki community More...
CALENDAR/EVENTS (Back to the top) - We have a lot of new and ongoing events posted for the month. |
View Calendar
 Our featured events has outgrown our newsletter. Please check our calendar items online View calendar
Ongoing Events - View our ongoing events More...
NEWS (Back to the top) - We have posted lots of new articles since the last newsletter. |
News and Newsletters
 Keep up with the latest news and happenings in the Waikiki, Hawaii community. View News
POPULAR PAGES (Back to the top) - View some of the most popular pages |
EAT - Restaurants and Food It is always more fun to party on a full stomach and there is no shortage of great restaurants, cafes and food places around in Waikiki. Restaurants, Fast Food, Pizza, Ice Cream and Smoothie Stores, Internet cafes and more... More...
| SHOP - Clothing, Jewelry And Shopping One thing that will never run out of style in Waikiki is shopping. If you look hard enough, you will find something for just about any kind of taste. Clothing Stores, Jewelry, Lingerie, Swimwear, Sports Wear, Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Surf Shops More...
| STAY - Hotels, Resorts, Condominiums, Condos Waikiki is not only known for its great beaches, shopping places and the hottest nightclub in town... it is also home lot of great hotels ranging from the ultra luxurious to the reasonably priced. More...
| PLAY - Entertainment & Activities Trust us, you will never run out of fun things to check out and do in Waikiki. We want to keep you entertained with activities you can do while in Waikiki. Entertainment, Karaoke, Indoor Gun Clubs, Surf Lessons. More...
| BEAUTY - Beauty, Health and Wellness Waikiki is also a great place to find solutions for your beauty, health and wellness needs. Cosemetics Spas, Hair Salons and Day Spas, Tanning Salon, Yoga and Pilates, Fitness Clubs, Foot Massage, Massage Services, Medical Clinics, Nail Salons. More...
| TRANSPORTATION - Transportation Here in Waikiki, there are tons of transportation services that can take you to where you want to go. For out of town guests and locals alike. Car Rentals, Limousine Services, Taxi Companies, Motorcycle Rentals, Travel Agents. More...
| LEARN - Culture, Landmarks, Lectures, Workshops, Hawaiiana There are many great Waikiki resources to the learn, explore and deepen your understanding of Waikiki and many other great topics/subjects More...
| OTHER - Other Businesses And Resources Banks, Children & Families, Currency Exchange, Medical Services & Facilities, Postal Services, Visitor Information & Guides, Wedding Service, Tattoos Studios, Modeling And Photography and much more More...
| VACATION - Activity Desk and Travel Agencies Need support guidance getting the most out of you Waikiki experience? This town always has something for everyone. Even long time or newly minted residents or tourist will find this list of Waikiki activities desk and travel agencies helpful. More...
HELP US GROW! - Help us do more for the Waikiki and Hawaii community! - HELP US DO MORE by following our social media accounts below.
Mahalo for the privilege to serve the Waikiki and Hawaii community.
New Sponsorship Opportunities -
If you don't already know, WaikikiGetDown.com is a very successful resource for many businesses/individuals and drives a lot of traffic. New sponsorship opportunities:- Website Header (on every page)
- Website Footer (on every page)
- Website Google Search Result Page
- and more
Call Ernest at 739-9797 or email if you like more details. Get in early on these great opportunities.
HELP THE WAIKIKI COMMUNITY (Back to the top) - Learn how to help the community |
Help MBC/Ernest Abrams Support the Waikiki, Hawaii Community - Please join with your friends and neighbors in helping MBC/Ernest Abrams support the Waikiki, Hawaii community. Contribution can be as small as $10 using safe and secure PayPal or mailed in. More...
HELP THE WAIKIKI COMMUNITY! - Refer someone who purchases the MBC Web site solution and we will donate $250 per referral on your behalf to a Waikiki charity, nonprofit or association of your choice (click on link for approved list). Yes, you can refer yourself. More...
Ernest Abrams Owner of WaikikiGetDown 808-739-9797 www: www.waikikigetdown.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Waikiki-Get-Downcom/136341549849866 Twitter: https://twitter.com/waikikigetdown
Headline Artwork Credit: Patrick Ching http://www.patrickchingart.com
Email Powered by: - MacBusiness Consulting Website Technology (MBC Emailer) More...
NEWSLETTER SPONSORS (Back to the top) - Great offers from sponsors who support the Waikiki community. |
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