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  • Waikiki Get Down - Honolulu, Hawaii
    Event Calendar Item

  • Annual Star Wars Reads Day - Waikiki-Kapahulu Public Library

  • Type: Special Event
    Date: Saturday - 10/10/2015
    Time: 10am - 5pm
    Waikiki - Kapahulu Public Library
    400 Kapahulu Avenue
    Honolulu, HI 96816

    Phone: (808) 733-8488
    View Map
    Cost: Free

Celebrate Star Wars Reads Day IV at Selected Oahu Libraries

Star Wars Reads Day (SWRD) is an international event that celebrates reading and the popular Star Wars movie series created by George Lucas. This year Star Wars Reads Day is expected to increase in popularity as fans anticipate the theatrical release of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" in December.

In celebration of the fourth annual Star Wars Reads Day, seven public libraries in Hawaii will present special programs and activities on Saturday, October 10. The public is invited to attend this free event that is suitable for all ages. A free special R2D2 bookmark will be offered to patrons at all public libraries while supplies last.

Local public libraries will offer giveaways, activities, crafts, conduct lucky drawings for prizes, and some will offer meet-and-greet Star Wars costumed characters. For more information, please call the participating libraries for event times and programs/activities that will be offered.

Participating public libraries include:

* Aiea Public Library (ph. 483-7333)

* Aina Haina Public Library (ph. 377-2456)

* Hawaii Kai Public Library (ph. 397-5833)

* Kailua Public Library (ph. 266-9911)

* Kapolei Public Library (ph. 693-7050)

* Manoa Public Library (ph. 988-0459)

* Waikiki-Kapahulu Public Library (ph. 733-8488)

Other public libraries may be participating in Star Wars Reads Day IV; visit for updates.

Sponsors include: Disney-Lucasfilm Press, Marvel, Abrams, Chronicle, Del Rey, DK, Quirk Books, Scholastic, Workman, Egmont, Studio Fun, Phoenix International Publishing, local Friends of the Library of Hawaii chapters, and many more.

The mission of the Hawaii State Public Library System is to provide Hawaii's residents, in all walks of life, and at each stage of their lives, with access to education, information, programs and services, and to teach and nurture the love of reading and the habit of life-long learning.

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Wednesday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Thursday: 12:00PM to 7:00PM
Friday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Sunday: Closed

Library Cards
You may apply for a library card at any Hawaii public library. The initial card is FREE for Hawaii residents. Cards are also free for military personnel and their dependents with a copy of orders. The resident card replacement fee is $5.00. Resident library cards must be renewed every five years. There is no charge for the renewal.

Library Cards
first one free, replacement $5.00
Loan Period
3 weeks for books and CDs
1 week for DVDs/ videos
Overdue fines
25 cents per day for all ages for books, CDs, DVDs/videos
Rental fees
$1.00 per week for DVDs and videos


  • Search Catalog
  • CDs & DVDs
  • electronic databases
  • Download eBooks/Audio/Music
  • Serials
  • library information
  • Free Wi-Fi in the library during business hours. Login using your valid library card number and your PIN (last 4 digits of your phone no.)
  • and more!

Internet Computers -- one hour sessions with valid library card
13 internet computers for the public, one w/ ADA accommodations... printing available, donations requested

Loan Renewals:
On person with library material or call 733-8488, then press "0" -- have your library material with you when calling.

Book Drops -- for after business hours -- one by the front door or drive-up book drop in the upper parking lot

Friends of the Kaimuki Library -- support group for the library
-- Members and officers needed
-- Ongoing book sale bookshelf - $1.00 per book

2 Photocopiers
** 20 cents per page

2 Microfilm Reader/Printers
** 15 cents per page

Ongoing Book Sale
** Friends of Kaimuki Library

The Hawaii State Public Library System provides the following enhanced services for library users. Click on the service in which you are interested for more information.
  • Books by Mail
  • Custom Research
  • Interlibrary Loans
  • Passports
  • Photocopying and Mailing Documents
  • Test Proctoring

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  • Waikiki - Kapahulu Public Library
    One of the best public resources in Waikiki! The Hawaii State Public Library System provides Hawaii's residents in all walks of life with access to education, information, programs and services.
    400 Kapahulu Avenue, Honolulu, HI (View Map)

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